Sunday, June 9, 2019

Search and seizure Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2500 words

Search and seizure - Essay ExampleThus being free has its boundaries, boundaries that end when it crosses upon the proper of another. The law makes it sure that everything in the social arena is kept into place and no person is below or higher up the system. Hundreds of laws, act, proclamation and amendments were made and approved by man in ill parts of the world so that every citizen must have something to abide by and keep them from the boundaries of crossing over the border of their freedom. With all these laws made and passed reviews, controversies and intellectual battles took over and continuously takes over to assess and reassess the efficacy, efficiency and necessity of such(prenominal) law. One of the most controversial and argumentative laws ever made is the law of attend and seizure. This paper is to state clearly an argument on whether search and seizure and racial profiling should be banned more than accepted in the United States. This paper allow for discuss brief ly and will point come on arguments based in the authors full understanding of the provision of this law. Over the past years the conflicts on power and authority has been a inclination especially with incidences of abuses with the use of authority, most common example are the policemen and other law enforcing authority, in implementing order in the land. Incidences like police brutality, unauthorized search and arrest, illegal collection of evidences and planted evidences to frame up some innocent are just some of the negative feedbacks the society has over the authorities. These feedbacks can as well as be deemed as the reasons why an argument is posed over the law on search and seizure implementation over United States of America. On whether it is efficient, respectable and lawful to implement just the way it was planned for or is it unnecessary, unjust and should be stopped and banned. Although it has been made to check on these irregularities on authority act still some fl aws have questioned its validity as a law that some people are asking to nullify it. Before going to the issues of why or why not the law on search and seizure should be banned in America, it is proper to discuss on some fundamental notes of the said law. Moreover, search is defined in the provision of the fourth amendment as, looking for evidence or a person involved in a aversion by a law enforcement officer in a place where they have a reasonable expectation of privacy while seizure is defined as taking possession of a person or object by a law enforcement officer or agent (Department of Public guard Law enforcement Academy 2012). Search and seizure is a controversial term of legality. Going through its definition, it implies lawful examination of a persons airplane propeller and things by a law enforcement officer although it does not imply specific circumstances but rather connotes that every law enforcer has the authority to go over a persons things without any chance of refusal because it is what the law states. And provided that something that can be regarded as evidence is seen, the authority as well has the right to seize it for legal prosecution (Department of Public Safety Law enforcement Academy 2012). The conceptual framework of search and seizure is based on good will that is to allow lawful hunt of law breakers by seeking evidences that can be available to prove that these people

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