Monday, May 25, 2020

How You Get The Ccw License Essay - 1654 Words

How to get the CCW license? Description: There are various steps involved in attaining a CCW license. The broad steps include making researches on the state laws, getting in touch with the sheriff department, filling up application form and getting approval. Are you willing to carry weapon in a secret manner? If yes, you need CCW license. In order to carry a pistol to the general public compartment or while you personally drive a vehicle, all you need is proper license. To know the exact rules of your state, get in touch with your police or sheriff department, the firearm instructor or an advocate. When you submit the application, it may take around 6 months to acquire the license. Your permit will be sent via an email. No matter how fast things have become, it still takes 3 months to get the permit. Till you attain the license, you will not be allowed to carry a weapon in concealed manner. You must have the license to carry a firearm, pistol or gun; otherwise you may land in deep trouble. Applying for the license is pretty simple and not that irksome. You need to submit certain documents including passport size photo, driving license, and passport. But before doing that, several steps need to be followed. Contacting the Sheriff office! It is important to contact your Sheriff office to get information on the training courses or the tests you need to go through in order to attain the license. Visit the main website of the CCW to access the website link of each county orShow MoreRelatedThe Debate About An American Citizen910 Words   |  4 PagesZane Vigil Professor Hoffman English 4/6/15 The Debate You Never Knew About As an American Citizen, we have certain unalienable rights such as Freedom of Speech and Freedom of Religion that are so essential to our existence in a world of oppression that they are deeply ingrained into the fabric of our society. 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Thursday, May 14, 2020

The Value Of Literature Courses - 1428 Words

What is the value of literature courses? We live in an age where information is conveyed in 140 characters. Why should students be required to read longer works? (By way of helping students get started ... this question is based on your opinion and you should make a short argument for or against. It is okay to use first person, I.) Literature courses force people to think outside of their own cultural perceptions. They give students the ability to think critically and to analyze problems by looking at them completely different than a course that has a select number of right answers. They also enable a student to learn how to write thoughtfully and to make deeper observations about the world around us. Literature reflects the attitudes and knowledge that exists within the time the pieces were written. Literature courses are more important now that thoughts can be conveyed so quickly. While it is not only present on social networks, the short updates have become prevalent on other websites. For example, on Facebook, many people still post short statuses and still share information using a very limited amount of words and this pattern has carried over to websites like Buzzfeed—they tend to present information in short lists. I believe it is doubly as important for students to read longer works. While studen ts were exposed to literature in high school, it is important for adults to understand how to analyze and criticize longer works of any nature. It is important they buildShow MoreRelatedYolo1583 Words   |  7 PagesDEPARTMENT OF ENGLISH AND FOREIGN LANGUAGES AND LITERATURE College of Arts and Sciences San Beda College COURSESYLLABUS First Semester, AY2014-2015 San Beda College, a Catholic educational institution, is committed to the Christian formation of the Bedan Community as its service to the Church, the Philippine society, and the world. 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While it is true that it is not the job of the government to decide what religious morals our population must uphold to, teaching the Bible a s a piece of literature in public education can enrich our students learning because of the influence the Bible has had on much of Western Civilizations history and literature. In 2009 there was a journal published about a study that â€Å"assessed the relationship between Bible literacy among secondary school students and their academic achievementRead MoreWhat I Choose Apu As A Nurse For More Than 10 Years With A Clinical And Academic Experience848 Words   |  4 Pagespractice. I’ve been a nurse for more than 15 years with a clinical and academic experience. I choose APU as my place of work for its clear declaration of God First in all that is being done. Since I started at APU in 2013 until now, I’ve designed my courses to include the-state-of-the-art knowledge, ethics, and practice in nursing. 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Wednesday, May 6, 2020

The On Provence Of Massachusetts Bay Essay - 1256 Words

Provence of Massachusetts Bay The history of the American government took a wide turn until the 50 states finally established. As before the United States was formed from a series of small colonies, also known as provinces. Massachusetts Bay, in particular, was one of these various settlements. Massachusetts Bay, present day Massachusetts was established in the year of 1630, its settlers composed of the Puritans from New England. Puritans, are the ones who wanted to â€Å"Purify† the Church of England from the beliefs of the Roman Catholics, these people were protestants. Massachusetts bay was empowered by Governor John Winthrop also as the head of the court. The primary purpose for the establishment of this colony was to establish a new life in a different location in order for the Puritans to perform their religion. Since, many of these people were prosecuted in the early 1920s and King Charles was the King at the time, in England they believed that it would be nearly impossible. Therefore, to take their practices and reforms in an entirely different geographic location. The Enlarged separation between the colony and England and the charter resulted in, the combination of Present day state of Maine and the Plymouth colony. The Plymouth colony and the Massachusetts colony, unified, is the state of Massachusetts today. The Massachusetts Bay Colony turned out to be the primary English chartered colony whose board of governors did not live in England. Massachusetts Bay Colony

Tuesday, May 5, 2020

How Socioeconomic Status Impacts on Health free essay sample

Discuss How Socioeconomic Status Impacts on Health Outcomes in Contemporary Australia: In contemporary Australia there are many social classes which group people in regards to their financial, legal and family situations. The effect that socioeconomic status has on the health outcomes of an Australian person today’s society is a great one. Persons belonging to low or the lowest socioeconomic status groups have more disadvantaged health outcomes compared to persons belonging to high socioeconomic status groups (Govil, et al, 2009).There are many social factors that determine health and a large number of them are deprived in lower socioeconomic status groups. These social determinants would include housing, employment, education and income. It has been found that the greater the degree of socioeconomic status inequalities within a society, the steeper the gradient of health inequalities (Schrader, 2003). It is also important to consider the impacts of socioeconomic status in the context of sociological theories of stratification; such as symbolic interaction, functionalism and conflict theory. The sociological theories of stratification are defined by how different groups in society are viewed, valued or undervalued. Firstly, Symbolic Interactism is a concept by Calvin Cooley referred to as the Looking Glass Self’. We see ourselves in terms of how we are viewed in society. If society views us unworthy or substandard we may come to perceive ourselves that way and behave accordingly. The media largely perpetuates certain attitudes about socioeconomic groups and hence suggests particular behaviour within those socioeconomic groups.This can be either positive or negative and significantly influences health outcomes of specific groups. Conflict theory can be defined by the conflict that occurs between the higher socioeconomic and lower socioeconomic classes. Individuals belonging to higher socioeconomic quartiles are able to access private health care and hence will have a better health outcome compared to someone belonging to a lower socioeconomic quartile (Hall, Hendrie, Sheiner, 2004). This is the unfortunate reality of the conflict theory.Functionalism is a theory which describes society as a structure with integral parts. It sees society as needing to work together to achieve equilibruim. Disadvantaged socioeconomic groups are often rejected by society at large because if you do not function adequately in society or contribute greatly in anyway, you are thought to be harmful to the equilibrium and therefore less valuable. Due to certain groups being valued over others, there is a huge disparity in the allocation of health care access. The environmental surroundings and conditions of a person’s housing situation contribute largely towards there lifestyle. Where a person lives, and the surrounding environment, are important components of a person’s lifestyle. In addition it is assumed that their lifestyle is an indication of social class and income. Where a person lives is an attribute to that certain individual’s social class. A high percentage of low income households residing in particular neighbourhoods is usually indicative of neighbourhood disadvantages (Feldman, Warr, Tacticos, Kelaher, 2009).These disadvantages, such as pollution and poor health care services result in a higher amount of morbidity, mortality and hospitalisation than those in higher social classes. It has also been found that people who have poor living conditions are more likely to get diseases such as pneumonia and scabies (World Health Organization, 2008). Hertzman, Jiandhong, Mattes, McMurray and Stanley (2009) found that environmental factors have a significant effect on health in particular their work environments. People in the lower social classes often have jobs that expose them to more hazardous sites and materials, then that of higher social classes.It has also been stipulated that people with lower socioeconomic statuses will more likely have jobs that involve hard labour, shift work and poorer work choices; such as less or no sick pay, annual or maternity leave. As found by Govil et. al. (2009), less-educated individuals were more likely to be disadvantaged in terms of health. They were more likely to engage in unhealthy practices; such as smoking, inactivity, eating a high fat diet and being overweight, compared to higher socioeconomic quartiles. Furthermore, they also had a greater likelihood of suffering from depression.Most childhood injuries have no link to socioeconomic status however in the case burns, poisoning and traffic related accidents there is a direct correlation between lower socioeconomic quartiles and these injuries (Finch, Hayen, Poulos, Zwi, 2007). Through the education of parents and children to dangers and management of accidents these injuries can all be prevented. Education is a crucial determining factor in health and can be considered from another angle. Browing, Kendig and Techuva (1998) suggested that education affects the access to occupations and income, which more directly influences health outcomes.The income of a family household greatly affects the individual’s health. In a study conducted by Kozyrskyj et. al. (2010), it was found that children born in to households with a chronic low income were twice as more likely to have asthma at the age of 14 compared to those born in to households with increasing incomes or never low incomes. It was proposed that the reason for this was due to the high stress environment and prolonged endotoxin exposure consistent with chronically low income households.In addition, there are statistics that demonstrate the correlation between public or rural hospitals and a lower success rate in the recovery of women from breast cancer operations compared to private hospitals (Hall, Hendrie, Sheiner, 2004). This suggests that lower income earners will not have access to a better level of care and also a better convenience of care. Australia has a large gap between its different socioeconomic classes regarding health outcomes. The factors involved with determining health outcomes between classes are education, income, employment and housing.